The Most Obedient Children in a Large Family Are Often Not the Well-Behaved Ones

The reason why children are filial to their parents

Filial children are often well nurtured and educated by their parents. These children receive the support of their families and are required to take on family responsibilities from an early age, which helps them develop a sense of responsibility.

Filial children in terms of emotions may pay more attention to emotional exchanges within the family. They may have a closer emotional relationship with their parents since childhood, and this connection is strengthened as they grow up.


Some children are born with a sense of responsibility and care for others, and they are more likely to become responsible and filial children.

Furthermore, the quality of the parent-child relationship also affects filial piety. If the communication and closeness between parents and children are good, children are more likely to express filial piety.

Children with economic capabilities

These children have a high sense of responsibility towards their families and are willing to take care of their parents and siblings. They actively care about the health and well-being of their parents and make efforts to help and support them.

These children often provide financial support to their families, trying to reduce the financial burden on their parents and providing financial assistance when needed.

Children filial in terms of emotions

They may not excel in taking care of material needs but they listen and care about their parents’ inner world. They spend time with their parents and share their joys and sorrows in life.

These children show filial piety to their parents through emotional support and understanding. It can bring warmth and comfort to their parents, making them feel loved and cared for.

In a large family, which child is considered filial?

Ironically, in large families, the children considered the most filial generally belong to two very different types, reflecting the differences in people’s definitions and expectations of filial piety.

Some believe that financial support is the expression of filial piety, so children who take financial responsibility are considered the most filial.


Others pay more attention to communication and emotional care, believing that emotional support is true filial piety. Therefore, children who provide emotional support are considered the most filial.

However, we should know that filial piety should not be limited to financial support or emotional expression. Each child has their own way of showing care and love for their parents.

Filial children take practical actions to take care of their families, while others show concern through emotional support.

Both types of filial piety are important and valuable, and we should respect and understand each child’s expressions. We should know that each child has their own way of expressing care and love for their parents and respect and understand their ways of expression.

Filial piety should not be limited to financial support or emotional expression but should be reflected in close relationships and mutual support between children and parents.

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